We are independent Waste Water & Effluent System Suppliers and Consultants.
We have a non-biased view when we assess your farm or waste water and provide independent advice.
We do the design work to find the best solution for you and your farm or business' needs.
We think outside the box instead of trying to fit you in one!
Our Process
We start with a telephone discussion. Then, we meet in person.
On-Site Visit
We will come visit you at your site.
We will put together our recommendations
We will roll out the project for you

Follow Up
We will follow up to make sure you are happy

Effluent & Irrigation
- Why choose us?
In a market saturated with choice when it comes to effluent & irrigation products, it can get confusing to know what is best for you, your farm, or business.
Where possible, we come to you, to see firsthand how your operation works. We don't advise without understanding your needs first.
E&I has a holistic view. We have your best interest at heart and only advise the best solutions to meet your needs and budget.
We are a trusted enterprise and have been in the effluent and irrigation industry for 40 + years.
We hold industry accreditation. You can trust us to have your best interests at heart.
Ready to talk? We're here to help you, contact us now and we'll call you.

What our clients have to say.

“E&I designed a system for my farm. I thought getting a new effluent system installed was going to be a long and complicated process. I was wrong. They gave me a date and the system arrived on that date. I was impressed with the professionalism. It was a pleasure to deal with Effluent and Irrigation Design. They show such knowledge of the Agricultural Industry.”
Craig Fulton, Sharemilker
Joan De Renzy, Farm Owner,