K-line/Irripod System
Low Application Rate System
Pricing: POA

This system involves a series of sprinklers each covering a radius of 8-10m, and the whole line is typically moved after 4-5 hours of application, taking similar time to move as a Travelling Irrigator. Volumes pumped from 18m3 to 20m3 per hour. These figures above are a typical example - this can vary and be customised by sprinkler / nozzle size. The ideal system for flat terrain with even shape paddock (square /rectangular).
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The pod system is modular but typically will involve a series of two x 4 to 6 pods in a line that is feed by a hydrant in a paddock. The lines of pods are shifted using a four wheel bike from paddock to paddock. The labour content is about the same or can be higher than a traveling irrigator. The system suits square or rectangular paddocks. To achieve an application depth of 15mm you will need to pump for 3 to 4 hours, based on the standard system design of 18m³/hr. All solids need to be removed so as to avoid blockages.
Low rate of application (4mm to 5mm/hr)
Modular design - can be customised to suit
Low capital cost, based on a system that is shifted between paddocks
Low application rate
There is the need to remove all solids from the effluent before pumping into the system. This can be done mechanically, weeping wall and sludge pit or a two pond system (see solid separation). The pod lines are shifted from paddock to paddock. When large volumes are stored it can take along time to pump out the stored effluent due to the pumping volumes
Solid separation required
Medium to high labour (e.g. shift every 3 to 4 hours pumping) up to twice a day
Overall uniformity
Things to consider
The Pod system is a good system option but needs to have all aspects compared to other options available.
Larger farms can be pumping for long periods of time while emptying the holding ponds. Consider the labour content. Smaller farms aren't affected too much. The labour will vary depending on number of pods and pumping volumes.
Depending on the type of solid separation used, weeping walls, ponds or mechanical there is a nutrient loss that needs to be quantified.

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The Team at Effluent & Irrigation Design understands the concerns relating to how much work managing a dairy farm and its systems can be.
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