Travelling Irrigator
Pricing From $6k - $10k

There are many cam drive irrigators on the market and each brand will have different characteristics. The difference includes boom width and design, length of cable or how far they can run down a paddock. The common areas to consider include the total pumping volume per hour (15 to 25m³/h), the wetted width (25 to 35m) and the application uniformity.
Some brands of irrigators are Williams, Briggs, Plucks, Numedic, Ecostream and ETL
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• Low capital cost
• Can operate on low pressure (20m/30psi), any less and you may experience over application.
• No solids removal required (for typical low input systems)
• Move along themselves covering a decent area in one application
• If maintained well, they can be low maintenance
• Suit high filtration (well rained) soils on flat land
• Some newer models can achieve low application depths of less than 10mm (at faster speeds)
• High labour content when shifting from paddock to paddock.
• If not maintained, the maintenance can be high
• Especially with older models poor uniformity in distribution of the nutrients. (higher application depth at the outside of the wetted area than in the middle with variations of up to 500%)
• Not as suitable to heavy type soils
• High instant application rates
• Not suitable for land > 8º
Things to consider
Research has shown that the travelling irrigator will suit high filtration soils without causing an environmental risk. However, if the intension was to utilise the nutrients within the FDE, the distribution uniformity needs to be carefully considered. You need to decide how important the nutrient utilisation is in relation to the distribution benefits.

We are here to help.
The Team at Effluent & Irrigation Design understands the concerns relating to how much work managing a dairy farm and its systems can be.
We are here to help you.
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